Slip and Fall Rehab In St Paul

Slip and Fall Rehab In St PaulSlips and falls can happen any time of year, but they are especially common in the fall and winter months when the ground outside can be unexpectedly slick. Slips and falls (indoors or outdoors) can cause a wide range of injuries including broken bones, concussions, neck and back injuries, spinal cord issues, soft tissue injuries and more. These injuries can present immediately after a fall or even days, weeks or even months after a fall. If you or a loved one slips or falls, it is important to seek medical care immediately to rule out any acute injuries. Once you have done that, however, you may be left with soreness, stiffness, pain and mobility issues. St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center has extensive experience helping clients who have recently slipped or fallen recover well and prevent future slip and fall injuries.

Slip and Fall Treatment and Prevention

The most common slip and fall injuries happen in the workplace, at home or outside. Slips and falls can happen after a spill, when there is an obstruction on the floor that you do not see (think toys, shoes, etc.) or when you walk outside and slip on a pile of leaves, or a slick spot in the driveway. Sometimes, you may be able to catch yourself before falling, but if you fall to the ground, you run the risk of hitting your head, injuring your arms/legs that you may use to brace your fall, and the impact can cause further more serious injuries.

The team at St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center can assess your injuries and recommend a treatment plan that will be tailored to you. This might include a combination of chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and rehabilitation exercises that will reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing. In addition, we can identify any areas of vulnerability that may increase your risk for future slips and falls. Preventing future falls is a huge part of our management plan.

Non-Invasive Slip and Fall Treatment Plans

Slips and falls can leave you feeling sore, and unable to complete your normal daily activities at work and at home. Our staff understands that you need to get back to normal life as soon as possible and we can help. For more information about our slip and fall recovery, call St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center at 651-644-7207 or email us at to schedule an appointment with our staff.

Contact St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center

Office Location

464 Hamline Ave South
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Map & Directions

Contact Information

(651) 644-7207

Office Hours (By Appt Only)

9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
12pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
Closed Saturdays & Sundays

Office Hours Update

To our valued clients -

*** All Visits By Appointment Only ***

Our current hours are:

Monday: 9am-12pm & 2pm-6pm
Wednesday: 9am-12pm & 2pm-6pm
Thursday: 12pm-6pm
Friday: 9am-1pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

Thank You for Understanding!

Office Hours Update

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