Acid Reflux Relief With Chiropractic Care

Gastroesophageal Reflux Relief with Chiropractic CareAcid reflux is one of the top health-related internet search queries and is a common condition amongst millions of Americans. It is becoming more and more prevalent throughout the world, especially affecting the middle-aged to the elderly segment of the population.

GERD, (which stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease) is known to most people as a more severe form of acid reflux. Common symptoms of GERD involve heartburn, regurgitation of food or liquid, problems swallowing, coughing, and wheezing. It may also involve chest pain or even the feeling of having a lump in your throat. Failure to properly treat GERD symptoms can lead to ulcers and even esophageal cancer.

How Chiropractic Can Help With Acid Reflux

There are several ways that chiropractic care can help manage a reflux problem, and none of them involve any invasive procedures. Chiropractic care is for much more than back pain, and it’s proven to show results in corrective care techniques. It aims to realign the spine back to health, eliminate nerve interference, and return the body back to a state of pain-free well-being. Your chiropractor believes that a spine and body free from dysfunction and restriction is a body that can function optimally. Your chiropractor can help treat your acid reflux by helping you to:

● Manage a healthy weight
● Take stress off the joints and spine to help take the pressure off nerves
● Strengthen the spinal muscles through adjustments, which help to relieve pressure from the stomach
● Correct joint dysfunctions or restrictions that can help ensure the proper function of the whole body
● Realign the spine back to its natural form. Strengthening the back muscles with chiropractic care reduces unnecessary pressure on the internal organs and allows nerve energy to flow freely throughout the body, returning normal function to the stomach and other internal organs.

Dietary Changes To Manage Acid Reflux

While chiropractic adjustments can relieve gastroesophageal reflux, it sometimes isn’t enough on its own. That’s why we often recommend dietary changes alongside chiropractic care to patients who we believe would benefit from alterations to their diets. At the St. Paul Chiropractic and Natural Medicine Center, our St. Paul, Minnesota chiropractors and natural medicine doctors will prescribe a plan to manage acid reflux, including chiropractic adjustments and nutritional changes, so that you can stop feeling discomfort and start feeling relief. Contact us at (651) 644-7207 or, and start fighting your reflux.

Contact St. Paul Chiropractic & Natural Medicine Center

Office Location

464 Hamline Ave South
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Map & Directions

Contact Information

(651) 644-7207

Office Hours (By Appt Only)

9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
9am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
12pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm
Closed Saturdays & Sundays

Office Hours Update

To our valued clients -

*** All Visits By Appointment Only ***

Our current hours are:

Monday: 9am-12pm & 2pm-6pm
Wednesday: 9am-12pm & 2pm-6pm
Thursday: 12pm-6pm
Friday: 9am-1pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

Thank You for Understanding!

Office Hours Update

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